  • 期刊



本文提出一個包含訊息使用的都市空間模型,依循Beckmann (1976)所架構的:將都市個體之平均距離加入效用函數的假設,修正為廠商的生產受到都市彼此廠商的訊息互動力影響。研究在面對資訊科技的進步時,既有的都市空間結構(包括個體分布、地租等)會受到何種衝擊? 在模型中,廠商在社會最適目標下,聚集於都市中並決定出本身位置與所需支付地租,同時架構出整體都市空間結構。本模型推論出下列三點結論:(1)任一廠商的訊息量變化,將會影響該廠商本身與都心的位置;(2)「訊息取得價格」與「訊息取得技術進步」的改變,將影響都市的地租結構及都市規模;和(3)訊息取得技術進步將對「傳統都市」、「現代都市」及「一般都市」產生衰退與擴張各種不同的影響。


Following Bechmann's (1976) idea of using the interactions between households as a main force to construct the urban household distribution, this paper provides a model which involved the use of information and the interaction between firms to form a city. With such model, we can check the impact of information technology development on urban spatial structure. Under the social optimal programming, firms aggregate in the city and decide their locations and rents. Three conclusions are derived from this model. First, any change in a single firm's information quantity will change its own and urban center's location. Second, both the price fall and the access technology progress of information will change the urban spatial structure. Third, the access technology progress of information will have different effects on urban expansion and decay corresponding to 'Traditional City,' 'Modern City' or 'Hybrid City.'


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