  • 期刊


A Study on Resource Allocation Comparing the Elderly Population in Need of Learning Centers and Elderly Learning Centers in Taiwan: Evaluating by Spatial Clustering and Geographic Accessibility




Improving the elderly's motivation to learn will help achieve the goals of "healthy aging" and "active aging." Improving the quality of life of the elderly requires not only medical care but also increased opportunities for social participation through social activities aiming to improve mental flexibility, and linking social support networks, thereby enhancing mental health. Therefore, the geographic accessibility of learning resources is one of the most important factors influencing the elderly's ability to participate socially. In this study, methods of spatial clustering analysis and linear correlation were applied, and a new three-step method for assessing geographic accessibility was proposed. All data were derived from the Taiwanese government's open data of 2009 and 2017. The data on resource supply points were based on the number of elderly learning centers. The amount of the population in need of elderly learning centers was calculated from the non-disabled population aged 55 years or older in 2017. Results of this study showed an inconsistency between the density of the population in need of learning centers and the geographical distribution of elderly learning centers. Firstly, according to spatial clustering analysis and linear correlation, the correlation coefficient was lower in 2017 than in 2009. Secondly, the lowest resource ownership rates of elderly learning centers were in the larger cities (Taipei City, Taoyuan City, New Taipei City, Chiayi City, and Hsinchu City). The largest average values of the nearest distances to services were in the countryside (Taitung County, Nantou County, Hualien County, Chiayi County, and Yilan County). These results showed that policies should be redesigned based on different counties' situations. This study was based on open governmental data and proposed an easy assessment method with no need for complicated network analysis. Our methodology and results illustrate possibilities for elderly learning policy planning and implementation to reduce elderly learning centers' resourceallocation inequality and enhance the geographic accessibility of elderly learning.


