  • 期刊


The Effects of Industrialization on Kinship in Taiwan


工業化對人類各個社會生活層面的衝擊,一直都是許多社會學家關心的焦點。西方國家從一九五、六○年代以來的親屬研究指出,工業化對親屬關係的衝擊主要表現在兩個層面上,第一是親屬間互動頻率的降低;其次是親屬互動對象的改變。許多學者認爲Parsons「孤立的核心家庭」這概念即是親屬間互動頻率降低的結果,而西方的偏女方現象也是現代工業化社會的主要特徵。雖然Sweetser(1968:236)强調,後者和西方的親屬規範無關,但是,作者認爲規範性因素也必須考慮進去,因爲至少如許多學者指出的,西方是個雙系的親屬關係體系,何以會產生實際和規範間的差距,不能因此認爲這就代表行爲和規範無關。因此,在這篇文章中,作者將就工業化因素和文化規範因素,來檢証工業化對臺灣親屬關係發展的影響是否和西方國家一樣,以及文化規範因素是否有其作用。 本文以臺灣省家庭計劃研究所第五次生育力調查資料(簡稱KAP V),首先以工業化因素和文化規範因素,針對一般親屬關係及偏女方現象的影響作模型檢定。然後再以多元類別分析(Multiple Classification Analysis),了解各變項對不同親屬關係類型的影響。 結果發現,在一般的親屬關係中,工業化因素和文化規範因素對於臺灣的親屬關係行爲均有顯著的影響;但在偏女方的親屬關係中,卻只有工業化因素有顯著的影響力,換言之,臺灣社會的文化規範因素很一致的呈現出傳統父系規範的特質,無論是臺灣人、客家人或外省人這些次文化規範團體之間偏女方的現象並未有明顯的差異。其次,在各種不同類型的親屬關係上,工業化因素有不同的影響。首先,就一般的親屬關係而言,核心家庭的經驗對於臺灣社會親屬間的拜訪、金錢餽贈和急難求助均有增加作用;居住地區的都市化程度雖然會對親屬間的拜訪有負向作用,但對金錢餽贈和急難求助卻有促進作用;遷移對拜訪亦有負向作用,對金錢餽贈和急難求助則隨遷移時間而異,遷移時間愈長者,金錢餽贈愈頻繁,但急難求助则愈少;最後,職業對親屬關係的影響,其生產方式的獨立性和拜訪關係呈負向關係,和金錢餽贈及急難求助則呈正向關係。再者,就偏女方的親屬關係來看,都市化程度和拜訪關係呈正向關係,和金錢餽贈、急難求助則呈負向關係;遷移經驗對拜訪關係也有正向作用,金錢餽贈及急難求助則和遷移時間呈反向關係;核心家庭的經驗有促進偏女方的拜訪和急難求助的作用,但卻壓抑金錢餽贈的關係;至於職業的獨立性則和核心家庭的經驗對偏女方現象的影響一樣。


The impact of industrialization on various aspects in social life has been a main focus which many sociologists concern with. As the findings of western kinship reasearchers since 1950s and 1960s reveal, the changes of kinship relationship in modern societies affected by industrialization are reflected in the following phenomena: first, the eliminating interaction frequency between kins, second, the higher interaction frequency with matrilaternal affinals than with patrilateral kins, the former results in what Parsons calls ”isolated nuclear family”; the latter causes the asymmetric relationship toward matrilaternal affinals. Although Sweester (1968:236) emphasizes the latter has nothing to do with western kinship norm but is the main character of modern industrial societies, many researches have noted a discrepancy between behavior and norm in terms of western bilaternal kinship norms in western societies. Therefore, in the article, the author will examine not only the impact of industrialization but the effects of normative factor on kinship behavior in Taiwan. Our findings indicates, in the general kinship relationship, both industrialization and normative factors significantly affect the kinship behavior in Taiwan. Nevertheless, only the former has significant effects on the matrilaternal asymmetric relationship. Although normative factor indicated by ethnic group in Taiwan can not be used to explain variance of behavior toward matrilaternal kinship, it is the main source to explain interaction pattern in the general kinship. In Taiwan, mainlanders are the most active in kinship interaction no matter what kind the interaction type is; Hakka less and Taiwanese is the least. In addition, the effect of various industrialization indicators on kinship behavior depends on the interaction type. First, in the general kinship relationship in Taiwan, the experience of nuclear family does not eliminate but forster the relationship of visiting, monetary exchange and emergency assistance between kins, the urbanization degree of residence has negative effects on monetary exchange and emergency assistance, migration has negative effect on visiting frequency, and monetary exchange correlate positively with the duration of migration but the emergency assistance negatively, the longer the duration, the more the frequency of exchange and the less the emergency assistance. The independence of living means indicated by occupation negatively correlates with the visiting frequency, but positively with monetary exchange and emergency assistance. Second, in the matrilaternal asymmetric kinship relationship, the urbanization degree, migration, the experience of nuclear family and independence of occupation all have positive effect on visiting frequency between affinals, the urbanization and migration happens negatively with monetary assistance and emergency assistance; the experience of nuclear family positive on emergency assistance, but negative on monetary exchange; so does the independence of occupation, positive on emergency assistance and negative on monetary exchange.


