  • 期刊


Sexuality and Menstruation Experience of Middle Age Women in Taipei


以454 位大台北都會區年齡在40至60歲間中年婦女爲主要訪視對象,探討其自述經期變化的經歷與感受。結果發現年齡在50歲以上者初經在15歲或以上;40~49歲者爲13~14歲較多。協助教導處理初經的方式時,70%以上皆爲母親。不同人生階段對月經的感受不太相同,大多數婦女(76%)對初經有負面態度與感受,但有27%的婦女有正面感受。其他在結婚、懷孕、生產後有更多正面的經驗與態度。綜合而言,婦女對月經的態度與感受多半專注在週期變化或疼痛的察覺,並對月經有害怕或感覺麻煩的傾向,而較少正面心理狀況或對自身健康促進有益的陳述。在經痛經驗方面,隨年齡的增加沒有經痛的比例增高。有近乎3/4的婦女謂月經時期有行爲上的限制。此外,年齡較輕者認爲情緒受到月經影響較多,與經痛等有類似情形。而年齡愈大者愈不希望月經繼續來。文後提出社會文化對月經刻板印象的影響;並比較過去對大學生、五專生、國中與國小的調查一起討論。也對經期健康與經期健康教育提出呼籲與建議。


月經週期 性發展 中年婦女


In order to understand middle-age women's experiences and opinions on menstruation in different life stages, a survey of 545 women age 40 to 60 in the Taipei metropolitan area has been conducted. Results show that: (1) The older the women, the later of their menarche. Women with age of50 and above have menarche at 15-years-old; age of 40-50 reported their menarche was about 13 to 40 years old. (2) Seventy percent of the subjects reported that mother was the key person for consultation with menstruation related problems. (3) People in different life stages, such as after marriage, pregnancy, after birth, stop child bearing, and menopause have various attitudes toward menstruation. (5) The dysmenorrheal decreased with age. The most severe cases with dysmenorrhea who require bed rest account for 1-5%.Cases with disturbance of daily activities account for 9-15%.This population needs more attention and help. It is highly recommended to clarify the stereotyped/negative attitudes toward menstruation and to stop labeling of ”ill person” for women in period with the manipulation of the male dominated medical personnel. This study further inspects the ”medicalization” of menstruation from a feminist perspective. The concepts on Sexuality versus sex and gender were also explored.


Menstruation Sexuality Middle-aged women
