  • 期刊


The Sociological Analysis of the Feminization of Childcare Workers and Related Policies



托育工作女性化的議題只有放在性別因素的脈絡底下,可以看清楚這是社會結構對女性壓迫的問題。托育工作女性化的現象在許多的實證研究中均已指出,在既有的性別角色、規範和價值下,女性被塑造成為托育照顧的提供者,並且女性本身亦將此系統內化到人格中。不過,這些社會福利或社會工作研究的論點並不必然可以完全解釋女性必然是擔任照顧者?為何要模塑女人的母職照顧?因此本研究援引女性主義的觀點,對於托育工作女性化的社會事實,進行更進一步的探討。 本研究是以後結構女性主義的觀點,以及女性主義立場論的觀點做為出發,其目的與意義在於以女性主義的觀點來理解托育女性化這個社會事實,並揭發女性視照顧工作為理所當然的表象下,其性別體制中的支配從屬關係,義權、國家與資本主義所建構的意識形態對女性的壓迫,透過既存的體制,模塑女人的從屬、邊錄的地位。透過深度訪談11位托育工作者的結果中,頗為符合Althusser意識形態理應的說法,而研究皷也認為探究照顧女性化主體的建構過程,更有助於打破托育女性化的思。 此外,許多學者提出專業證照或酬金方案的可行性,本研究亦將酬金方案視為關鍵的議題,因為其重點是在托育工作者的身上,而不同於一般社會政策的探討。由於一些國內社會工作學者論述並祩以女性經濟自主與性別正義為考量,反而所主張的照顧酬金方案成為父權與資本主義體制可以剝削女性勞動的基礎,如果套用Habermas的說法,也就是透過付費與專業證照這兩種體制某介,對女性生活糺界殖民化,因此女性主義的觀點來檢視現有的相關方案將不同於男流研究的看法,當然酬金並非無可取之處,如女性主義的酬金方案便是兼具性別正義的目標,但是這必須有賴於社會與性別結構的改變與配合(例如真覆傳統性別邏輯所形塑托育女性化的迷思、充權女性……),以女性照顧者的利益做為方案的考量,才能確保托育工作者的地位與權益。綜合上述,本研究認為解栜迷思比起專業證照與酬金方案來得根本與重要。


In Taiwan, most people believe that childcare work is women’s work. Such myth has been permeated in our society for a while. The feminization of childcare workers is socially constructed, however, few research has explored the reason and the construction behind such ideology. This study tried to challenge the traditional view that women’s “nurturant” capacities related closely to childcare work. Putting the issue of the feminization of care workers into gender context, the research was able to prove that women suffer oppression from unjust gender system and paternal social structure. In this study, in=depth interviews were employed. Through eleven female informants’ voices, their life experiences reflect strongly that cultural hegemony played an influential role on women’s life. Such analysis is also consistent with Althusser’s theory. The impact of state cultural hegemony has spread through state apparatuses, such as childcare. Some scholars try to promote “professional certification” and “payments for care” as means to eliminate gender discrimination in childcare services. The study found, however, that unless women’s economic autonomy and gender justice are examined as well, such approaches still provide the basis for exploration for women in labor market under the capitalist system. The study also found that “the colonization of women’s life world”, idea introduced by Habermas were better explanation of such approaches.


簡惠茹(2014)。幼有所托? 機構式幼兒照顧工作的商品化和運作邏輯〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2014.00438
陳韻如、劉奕均(2015)。男性居家托育照顧者 聯合托育中的認同與性別分工女學學誌:婦女與性別研究(36),105-144。https://doi.org/10.6255/JWGS.2015.36.105
