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Studies on the Fertilization Improvement of Molybdenum Deficiency of Peanut in Acid Soils


花蓮地區酸性土壤種植落花生發生缺鉬黃化症甚為普遍,生育及產量均受影響。為探討落花生缺鉬黃化症能否以不同改良資材的施用而獲得經濟有效的防治方法,於83 年度及84年度在瑞穗地區選擇酸性片岩沖積土進行試驗。試驗結果,以撒施消石灰2t/ha並加鉬酸銨2㎏/ha之處理效果較佳,每公頃平均產量為2,896 ㎏,比對照區之1,880 ㎏增產54.0%;而以同樣方法每公頃施用樹皮堆肥或消石灰或鉬酸銨亦有增產的效果,均比對照區增產32.7%以上。由此可知,在酸性土壤種植落花生發生缺鉬之地區,以撒施消石灰2t/ha並加鉬酸銨2㎏/ha之防治方法,最為經濟有效。


酸性土壤 落花生 缺鉬 施肥改進


Molybdenum deficiency of peanut has been commonly observed in Hualien area, especially in acid soils. Leaf chlorosis might inhibit photosynthesis, retard growth and lower yield of peanut. Effects of different materials on reducing incidience of peanut chlorosis were compared in this experiment performed in Jui-Sui village, Hualien prefecture. Materials used were bark compost, slaked lime and ammonium paramolybdate. The results showed that pod yield was increased by applying 2t/ha of slaked lime combined with 2 kg/ha of ammonium paramolybdate, from 1,880 kg/ha of the control to 2,896 kg/ha. Combined with bark compost, slaked lime or ammonium paramolybdate could increase yield of peanut. The result suggests that molybdenum deficiency of peanut in acid soil can be corrected by applying 2 t/ha of slaked lime combined with 2 kg/ha ammonium paramolybdate.
