  • 期刊


Effects of Phosphate and Potash Fertilizer on the Growth of Rhizoma-Pangolagrass Mixed Sward and Feed Efficiency of Forage


本試驗目的在探討磷鉀肥對多年生花生與盤固草混植之生長影響及芻料利用效率。結果顯示,磷鉀肥對於株高、莖徑及葉數,處理間並無差異;鮮草產量以施用磷肥150 kg/ha及鉀肥150 kg/ha最高,為39.9 kg/10 m^2/year。兩種肥料對於混植牧草品質包括粗蛋白質及中、酸洗纖維含量,效果亦不顯著。對於雜草控制的效果以磷肥75 kg/ha、鉀肥150 kg/ha最佳,雜草所佔的比率為5.9%。禾豆科的消長為多年生花生比例逐漸增加,由67.5%增至89.8%;盤固草的比例則由21.0%降至11.3%。以2:1禾豆科混合的芻料,飼養山羊的效率最佳,其日增重為35.6 g,3:1混合的芻料為27.8 g,而以盤固草組最低為17.8 g。


多年生花生 盤固草 混植 覆蓋率 產量 品質 山羊 飼料效率


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of phosphate and potash fertilizer on the growth of rhizoma-pangolagrass mixed sward and its feed efficiency. Data showed that fertilizers had no effect on plant height, stem diameter or leaf number of rhizoma and pangolagrass. Forage yield was highest in plots with application 150 kg/ha of phosphate and potash fertilizers. The yield was 39.9 kg/10 m^2/year. Fertilizer also had no significant effect on crude protein, neutral or acid detergent fiber. Applying 75 kg/ha phosphate and 150 kg/ha of potash had better effect on weed control. The weed percentage was 5.9%. The coverage of rhizoma peanut increased while pangolagrass decreased gradually. Legume increased from 67.5% to 89.8% and grass decreased from 21.0% to 11.3%. The feed with 2:1 ratio of pangolagrass and rhizoma peanut had the best feed efficiency on goat. The daily gain was 35.6 g. To feed with 3:1 ratio of mixed forage, the daily gain was 27.8 g. The lowest daily gain was 17.8 g when pangolagrass hay was fed.
