

水稻新品種台梗16號於民國85年11月28日,由農林廳作物新品種命名審查小組審查通過,正式加入本省水稻品種推廣之列。台梗16號於民國76年第2期作由台灣省農業試驗所雜交(雜交組合為台梗2號//台農67號/Pegonil),花蓮區農業改良場於民國79年第2期作由觀察試驗材料中選出本品系(品系代號為台梗育25003號),進行各級產量比較試驗,因成績優良,於民國83年參加全省區域試驗,同時進行氮肥效應試驗及各項農藝特性調查、病蟲害檢定、米質分析等試驗。台梗16號特性為產量高而穩定,米飯食味佳(食味與良質米品種台中189 號、台梗9號相近),抗葉稻熱病與穗稻熱病,對褐飛蝨具抗性,對斑飛蝨與白背飛蝨具中等抗性,耐肥性與脫粒性適中等優點;稻穀公頃產量第1期作7,014kg,2期作5,090kg,比對照品種台農67號,1期作增產5.0%,2期作增產0.5%,適合高屏、嘉南、宜蘭及花蓮地區栽培。


水稻 育種 品種


The new rice variety Taiken No.16 has developed and released by Hualien DAIS in 1996. The variety was derived by pedigree select from a cross between Taiken No.2//Tainung No.67/Pegonil made by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute at 2nd crop in 1987. The line with the breeding name of ”Taikeng yu 25003”. Experimental results indicated that the new variety possesses the characters of resistance to rice leaf blast and panicle blast, resistance to brown planthopper, moderate resistance to small brown planthopper and white-backed planthopper, medium N-fertilizer response, and suitable shattering. Grain yield averaged 7,014 kg/ha in the 1st crop and 5,090 kg/ha in the 2nd crop during the regional yield trials from 1994 to 1995. However, it increases 5% in the 1st crop and 0.5% in the 2nd crop of grain yield over the check variety Tainung 67. The palatability of cooked rice of the new variety showed similar quality as the recommended high-quality rice variety Taichung No. 189 and Taikeng 9. The variety is adapted Pintung, Chiayi, Ilan and Hualien areas.


Rice Oryga sativa L Breeding Variety


朱柏穎(2012)。使用Selective Genotyping鑑定已知的水稻種子休眠與穗上發芽數量性狀基因座〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.00536


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