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Effects of Simulated Transport Methods and Slight Drought Stress on Post-storage Performance of Philodendron 'Imperial Green'


蔓綠絨「綠帝王」品種(Philodendron「Imperial Green」)以株寬10-15cm之小苗於3月中和10月初分別進行模擬貯運試驗,以分別模擬冬季生產及夏季生產的種苗貯運情形。10月初所進行之試驗貯運溫度為15℃及30℃,3月中的試驗則增加10℃貯温處理。貯藏期分1、2及4週,而植株則分別以帶介質與裸根兩種方式進行貯運。夏季生產之小苗貯藏1週後30℃貯溫下的裸根植株便有明顯的品質劣變情形,其餘處理都維持極佳的表現;貯藏2週後除30℃裸根植株低於可販售品質外,其他處理仍具販售價值;但當貯藏4週之後,只剩貯溫15℃的帶介質植株仍具極佳的貯後品質,其他處理均失去販售價值。冬季生產者經30℃的高溫貯運仍然表現較差,但10℃的寒害貯温卻未使貯後品質變差,與15℃的適溫貯運表現相同。貯前以輕微水分逆境處理冬季生產之小苗,以進行植株健化並期能增加耐貯性,然因冬季低溫已使植株達到健化的效果,故該處理的效果並不明顯,也因此並未有較佳的貯後表現。由貯後餘重及貯藏中水勢變化可看出,綠帝王蔓綠絨貯藏過程中品質劣變的嚴重程度與植株的缺水程度有相當密切的關係,且貯藏中的呼吸率高低也對貯後品質有重要的影響。


蔓綠絨 模擬貯運 貯後品質


Summer-grown young plants( 10-15 cm in width ) of Philodendron 'Imperial Green' were stored in 15℃ or 30℃ for 1, 2 and 4 weeks. When stored shorter than 2 weeks, all treated plants had good postproduction performance except the bare-root plants stored in 30℃. In the experiment on winter-grown young plants, the simulated transport added the 10℃ storage temperature to test the chilling sensitivity in storage. After 4 weeks in storage, the bare-root plants exhibited chlorotic leaves with no commercial value, while potted plants held in 15℃ remained in good quality. The plants received 10℃ low temperature did not loss quality and performed as well as those stored at 15℃. The winter-grown young plants pre-conditioning with slight drought stress did not reduce quality index after storage, as the plants might have been hardened. Thus, no apparent benefit was obtained from slight water stress. According to the fresh weight loss and leaf water potential of plants in storage, the water deficit greatly reduced the quality and storage life of plants. The respiration rate of plants during storage was shown to relate to the post-storage quality.
