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Development of the New Rice Variety Hualien 20



水稻新品種花蓮20號於2004年6月25日,由行政院農業委員會命名審查委員審查通過,正式加入台灣水稻品種推廣之列。花蓮20號於1997年一期作由行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場雜交(雜交組合為絹光/台梗育35031號),於1999年第二期作由觀察試驗材料中選出本品系(品系代號為花梗育32號),進行各級產量比較試驗,因性狀表現優良,於2002年參加全國區域試驗,同時進行氮肥效應試驗及各項農藝特性評比、病蟲害檢定、米質分析等試驗。花蓮20號為中晚熟水稻品種,優點為米粒外觀佳,米飯食味與良質米推薦品種台稉9號相近;稻穀產量一期作全省區域試驗平均7,075 kg/ha,二期作5,568 kg/ha,一期作除台東地區較對照品種台農67號低產外,適合全省各地區之單期作及雙期作栽培。穩定性分析顯示對環境反應略呈鈍感。對水稻最主要的病害葉稻熱病與穗稻熱病具有相當的抗性。稻稈強硬,不易倒伏,適合機械收穫。稻穀穗上發芽率一期作較低,於成熟期若遭遇連續下雨時,可減少產量與品質之損失。唯部分病蟲害耐性較不理想,在栽培上應加以注意。


水稻 育種 新品種 花蓮20號


A new rice variety Hualien 20 was developed and released in 2004 by Hualien DARES. This variety was derived by a pedigree selection from a cross between Taikenyu 35031 and Kinuhikari made at the 1st crop in 1997. Hualien 20 is a late-maturing rice cultivar with good grain appearance, excellent eating quality comparable to that of the recommended variety TK 9. The average yields is 7,075 kg/ha for the first crop and 5,568 kg/ha for the second crop in the regional test. This variety with yield consistency, wide adaptability, the resistance to the leaf and grain blast diseases, strong culms and anti-lodging characteristics is suitable for either single crop or double cropping in Taiwan. Its tolerance of on-panicle sprouting in the first crop should benefit the yield stability quality over the continuous raining period during maturation. Nevertheless, appropriate management process should be applied to cope with its susceptibility to low temperature in the second crop.


Rice Oryga sativa L. Breeding New variety
