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CT Evaluation of Acute Mediastinitis




In the past 4 years, 15 cases of acute mediastinitis of various etiologies in Mackay Memorial Hospital were studied. The most common cause is perforation of the esophagus. On chest radio- graphs, studies reveal non-specific superior mediastinal widening with either irregular or smooth border. CT is helpful in diagnosing mediastinal infection. Based on CT appearances, patients were classified into 2 groups: (1) Diffuse mediastinitis-showing diffuse soft tissue infiltration with or without mediastinal free air. (8 patients); (2) Mediastinal abscess-showing well-defined fluid collection. (7 patients) CT was proved reliable in distinguishing diffuse mediastinitis from drainable abscess. CT was also helpful in the detection of mediastinal free air and associated complications, such as; empyema, and osteomyelitis of the thoracic spine associated with epidural abscess. Thus allow diagnosis and management decision to be confidently made base on the CT findings. We believe CT is the procedure for evaluation of suspected mediastinal infection. The overall mortality rate in our series was 26.7% (4/15).


Computed tomography CT acute mediastinitis
