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Design and Application of Simple Transport Machinery in Vegetable Nursery Centers


由於天氣環境的影響,農民使用穴盤苗的數量劇增,國內專以培育蔬菜苗之育苗中心如雨後春筍般盛行,規模以中小型之簡易溫室栽培者為多,其中最耗費人力及時間的莫過於搬運問題,佔生產成本的25%以上。本研究主要重點在調查臺灣地區育苗中心的搬運作業之現況,根據各場環境,設計及製造合適之簡易搬運機具,並針對所設計之走道式軌道搬運車及跨植床軌道搬運車等兩款型式進行實驗,後者又分手推式與電動式兩種。 手推式與電動式跨植床軌道搬運車之入苗作業,比完全人力搬運節省勞動力20~44.5%;出苗作業時,節省勞動力47.6~67.3%。電動式四輪軌道搬運車之搬運時間效益為入苗37.5%,出苗61.8%;手推式四輪軌道搬運車為入苗44.5%,出苗67.3%。手推式搬運車效益較高的原因是因電動式搬運車行走速度較慢。手推式三輪搬運車則可節省勞動力20%。若將噴水系統附掛於跨植床搬運台車上,對於輔助每日之噴水作業有良好的效果。


育苗中心 搬運車 噴水管


The purpose of this research is to investigate and develop simple transport machinery for the purpose of labor saving for vegetable nursery centers in Taiwan. The rail-guided carts, including walk-isle and over-bed types, were developed and their comparative advantages were studied. It is found that by taking advantage of the simple constructed rail-guided carts, the labor saved ranges from 20% to 44.5% for moving the seedlings into the nursery locations; and 47.6~67.3% labor can be saved for moving the seedlings out. As to transport-time efficiency for the over-bed type, the hand-pushed one can reach 37.5% for moving trays in and 61.8% for moving out, while the electric-powered one 44.5% for moving in and 67.3% for moving out. The reason why the hand-pushed type was more efficient is that the electric-powered one moves at a slower speed. It is also found that up to 20% of labors can be saved by using a triple-wheel barrow. The over-bed type cart, however, can also be constructed by adding a spray-pipe to handle the daily watering operations effectively.
