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The political communication effect of the Parliamentary TV: Take the framing effect of the legislator as an example


在代議民主體制,人民依據個人的自由意志、政治喜好,選出代議士;透過集體、民主的方式制定政策及法令規章。我國國會殿堂為立法院,代為人民行使參政及決策權之代議士為立法委員。以往傳統的立法院訊息,來自傳統的傳播媒介,諸如報紙、廣播、電視新聞等;其傳播媒介效應的共通特點,在播放媒體主觀意識下,為了引起民眾之注意及迎合其偏好,以增加收視率,常呈現肢體衝突、言語辛辣、以及立場偏頗性的報導,造成立法委員或政治人物為搏取增加報導的頻率及版面,以增加個人曝光度,呈現出作秀式、民粹氛圍式的政治傳播現象。為了落實透明新國會的主張及落實保障國民「知的權利」,立法院於105年4月及106年9月,推動國會電視頻道及國會頻道在手機App(s)播放,讓民眾可透過國會頻道數位平台(the Parliamentary TV),以有線電視與無線電視、手機App(s)方式,隨時隨地觀看院會與各委員會的全程議事過程,讓民眾瞭解到各個立法委員於議案質詢及議決過程中的問政方式、態度及其對議案的專業程度;本研究經從實地觀察過程中,發現該平台系統的政治傳播效應,有正向的問政模式行為傾向,是以能提升立法委員及政治人物問政專業能力,並塑造良好的問政形象;並產生符合目標框架效應的政治傳播效果,即區域選民對各該立法委員之政治框架認同感,可供未來提升國會之良性政治傳播效應之參考。


Under the representative democracy system, the People's Department selects representatives based on individual free will and political preference. Through a collective and democratic approach, we formulate policies and regulations that affect all people. The National Assembly Hall is the Legislative Yuan and exercises the power of participation and decision-making on behalf of the people. Representatives are lawmakers. In the past, traditional political messages mostly came from traditional media, such as newspapers, radio, television news, etc., and their common characteristics of media effects have caused the audience to listen to them under the subjective awareness of broadcast media. Pay attention to and cater to viewers' preferences to increase their viewing rate, often presenting physical conflict, verbal cynicism, sloppy playback of audio messages and images, causing legislators or politicians to increase the personal exposure by capturing emerging channels and layouts. Degree, and the traditional political communication is presented as a showstyle, populist atmosphere. In order to implement the proposal of the Transparency New Congress, the Legislative Yuan promoted the Congressional TV Channel and the Congressional Audio-Video Platform System in February and September of the 106th, allowing people to watch live conferences and committees at any time, anywhere through cable TV and radio video channels and mobile App(s). The entire process of deliberation made the public aware of the ways and attitudes of various legislators in the course of the motion inquiry and resolution process and their professionalism in the motion; this study found the political communication effect of the platform system during the process of field observation. There is a positive tendency towards behavioral behaviors in the form of government. It is to enhance the ability of lawmakers and politicians to pursue political professionalism and to create a good image of government affairs; and to produce a political communication effect that meets the target framing effect, that is, regional voters should The sense of identity of the political framing of the legislator can be used as a reference for the future promotion of the benign political communication effect of the Congress.


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