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The Application of Singaporean and Canadian Immigration Policies in Taiwan: From the Perspective of New-Resident Community




By the organization adjustment of immigration authority as well as the reposition of immigrant-related policies, the research is aimed to solve two main problems, population decline and urban-rural disparity, facing by the society of Taiwan. Therefore, we compare the structural composition of immigration authorities in Singapore and Canada, respectively, in order to suggest the possible reformations for our National Immigration Agency as well as Immigration Affairs Coordination Board. Furthermore, the research also conducts focus-group interviews on key opinion leaders within new-resident community in Taiwan, thus summarizing the necessary enhancements for our new-resident empowerment policies. Finally, we suggest that Taiwan should, accompanying the Canadian-model of Provincial Nominee Program, promote the Singaporean-style Point Quota System; this will be an immigrant-recruiting system that, on the one hand, accepted by current new-resident community and, on the other hand, solving the urgent social and demographic problems in Taiwan.


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