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A Study on US Human Trafficking Prevention Regime




Human trafficking has always been a concern of governments and international organizations. This serious crime not only has the characteristics of transnational, cross-border and organized crime, but also endangers basic human rights and seriously violates human freedom and dignity. Like the smuggling of drugs and weapons, human trafficking is one of the three most important trafficking crimes in the world. Therefore, not only the United Nations, but also all countries have attempted to formulate effective measures and policies to combat and prevent the actions of human trafficking. The National Immigration Agency of the Interior Ministry has also continued to strengthen and enhance cooperation with many countries to improve our government's anti-trafficking strategy. The most effective method to prevent the immigration of illegal people to one country is by means of cross-border and cross-regional cooperation. For the United States, human trafficking is not only a human rights and humanitarian issue, but also poses a serious threat to its national and social security. Therefore, the United States not just has been published the "Annual Human Trafficking Report" to examine and investigate every country's performance in preventing human trafficking. By means of making and promulgating related laws, transnational and international cooperation, public-private cooperation, participation and training of law enforcement officers, combination of resources from different departments and institutions and international organizations, the US government has been making efforts to effectively combat human trafficking crimes. Therefore, this article intends to study the regime of human trafficking prevention in the United States, including examining and analyzing human trafficking problems faced by the United States. Hoping to provide our government with some suggestions to formulate better prevention regime to fight against human trafficking problems.


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美國在台協會,2021,〈人口販運問題報告〉: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/our-relationship-zh/official-reports-zh/trafficking-persons-report-zh/,檢索日期:2021 年 7 月 2 日。
