  • 期刊


E-Learning Technology Program




Under the guidance of government policies, the goal of the National Science and Technology Program of e-Learning is to encourage every citizen to learn by means of e-Learning, and at the same time, narrow digital divide and hence upgrade Taiwan's total competitiveness in the era of knowledge economy. It is hoped that this initiative will bring forth new waves of academic research on learning technology. In the meantime, by integrating the R&D capacities of up-, mid-, and down-streams, stimulating overall demands by encouraging e-Learning, and providing incentives and preferential measures from the government, Taiwan's e-Learning industry will be nurtured, and hence the e-content industry will prosper. In order to improve Taiwan's global competition, expanding new IT market, making progress of countrywide E-Learning and also upgrading the quality of public information knowledge, we dedicated ourselves to the research on digital content protection, 3D interactive e-learning content processing and the Cognitive and Simulation Language e-Learning Technologies.


吳慶義(2016)。高齡者參與休閒教育活動暨數位學習之調查研究 ---以新北市板橋區為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00961
