  • 期刊


Demand-response-based Home Energy Management System


近年來,各國為了改善電力設備老舊與振興經濟紛紛推動智慧電網和智慧電表系統基礎建設,為了達到更智能地使用能源,多種應用陸續被提出,需量反應為其中的一種殺手級利用。本論文主要是設計應用於需量反應之家庭能源管理系統(DR-based Home Energy Management System; DR-based HEMS),該系統包含了以智慧插座為主的感測節點(前端)、整合與傳送用電資訊、耗能資訊和控制命令之Raspberry Pi嵌入式通訊伺服器(中端)、Google Spreadsheet的雲端耗能資料庫(後端)和可控制供電來源的智慧供電系統,其中Raspberry Pi嵌入式通訊伺服器需負責根據時間電價資訊排程蓄電池的充放電時間以降低用戶的電費,該排程機制主要是透過線性規劃所設計。最後,模擬結果顯示蓄電池的容量只要2kwh,參與時間電價搭配緊急尖峰電價之需量反應的用戶一年可省下750~1632元的電費。


This paper proposes a DR-based Home Energy Management System (DR-based HEMS), which is consisted of a Raspberry Pi communication service, several smart outlets, a smart energy storage system, a cloud database, and a monitoring and remotely controlling system. The Raspberry Pi is used to remotely control the smart outlets and to decide the energy schedule of the battery; the cloud database is used to store the energy usage of some appliances and the result of the energy schedule of the battery; the a smart energy storage system is used to control the energy source from the utility or battery. Furthermore, we formulate an optimal problem, which is associated with the energy schedule of the battery, the history load profile, and the pricing in time of use with peak time rebate event. Also, we apply the Linear Programming to solve this problem and prove the benefit by simulation. Simulations show that the user would win the 750~1632NTD per year with a battery, whose volume is 2 kw/h.


Smart Grid SG Demand Response DR Home Energy Management System HEMS
