  • 期刊


Kimura's Disease Presenting with Bilateral Postauricular Masses


Kimura 氏病為罕見而好發於亞洲年輕男性的頭頸部良性易復發疾病,症狀常為單一或多發性的皮下軟組織腫塊及腮腺、頜下腺腫大。它和周圍組織沒有明顯界限,易被誤認為惡性腫瘤,而使得病人接受不必要的廣泛切除手術。其致病機轉至今仍不清楚。此病通常很難於術前做出正確診斷,只能於術後依據病理組織切片確定診斷。治療方法主要以單純病灶切除、口服類固醇及放射線治療為主。此病例為13歲男性,主述雙側耳後腫塊漸漸變大有數年的時間,摸起來柔軟,並無疼痛及壓痛感,合併有雙側頸部淋巴結腫大。頭頸部電腦斷層顯示右側腮腺及雙側頜下腺腫大的情形。抽血檢查發現嗜伊紅性白血球及免疫球蛋白E有明顯增高。安排住院切除雙側耳後腫塊,病理檢驗證實為Kimura氏病。病患手術後,門診追蹤並無復發跡象。因屬臨床上少見之病例,特就其臨床表現及治療提出報告。


Kimura's disease is a rare, benign disorder that typically affects young Asian males. It presents with solitary or multiple firm, subcutaneous nodules in the head and neck, which usually involve the parotid and submandibular glands. Its unclear border, and the fact that it is often mistaken for malignancy, can lead to unnecessarily wide excision. The pathophysiology of Kimura's disease remains unknown and the diagnosis can only be made from a biopsy. Its treatment usually involves excision, steroid administration and radiation therapy. We describe a 13 year old boy who complained of soft, postauricular, non-tender, progressively enlarging masses bilaterally that had been present for a number of years with associated bilateral neck lymphadenopathy. Neck CT identified right parotid and bilateral submandibular gland enlargement. Laboratory investigations showed eosinophilia and a marked in IgE. The patient underwent excision of the masses and a pathological diagnosis of Kimura's disease was made. No recurrence of the disease has been noted during post-operative follow-up.
