

會厭囊腫爲喉部良性,非贅生性腫瘤,通常位於會厭的舌表面。會厭囊腫的成因仍不明確,但根據DeSanto等的研究,則以會厭黏膜下唾液腺的收集管因閉鎖或發炎導致阻塞,進而形成滯留性囊腫最常見。本科於2007年4月,經歷一49歲男性,因罹患十二指腸穿孔性潰瘍,於消化外科接受十二指腸修補手術,在全身麻醉插管時,意外發現有一直徑約3 cm之會厭囊腫,經由直接喉鏡摘除後,發現囊腫內充滿黃色膿液,針對膿液做細菌培養,結果爲陰性。術後病理報告爲上皮囊腫,並可見典型的“硫磺顆粒”(sulfur granules),故證實會厭囊腫合併放線菌感染。因如此巨大的會厭囊腫並不多見,且又合併放線菌感染更屬罕見,特提出報告,以供參考。


Epiglottic cysts are benign non-neoplastic tumors of the larynx and are usually located on the lingual surface of the epiglottis. The cause of epiglottic cysts remains uncertain, but according to the study of DeSanto et al., the most common cause is an obstruction of the collecting ducts of the submucosal salivary glands of the epiglottis due to atresia or inflammation; this then gives rise to retention cysts. In April 2007, a 49-year-old male patient underwent a duodenorrhaphy in the Department of Gastroenterology due to a perforated duodenal ulcer. When the patient was undergoing intubation for the general anesthesia, an epiglottis cyst, 3 cm in diameter, was incidentally found. At the time of excision of the cyst via direct laryngoscopy, the cyst was found to be filled with a yellow suppurative liquid. A bacteria culture of the suppurative liquid was obtained and the results were negative. The pathological report revealed an epithelial cyst with typical sulfur granules, confirming an epiglottic cyst with actinomycosis. The current case is presented because a giant epiglottis cyst is a seldom found and rare clinical entity; furthermore a combination of an epiglottic cyst with actinomycosis is extremely rare.


epiglottic cyst actinomycosis
