  • 期刊

口腔底表皮樣囊腫 — 病例報告

Epidermoid Cyst of the Mouth Floor - Case Report


表皮樣囊腫是胚胎發育過程中之異常所致,雖然全身各處皆可能發生,但是位於口腔內則頗為罕見。本院經歷1名28歲女性病患,主訴口腔內腫瘤緩慢長大已經8年,導致打鼾、漸進性吞嚥困難及呼吸困難。局部可見口腔底部一巨大腫瘤將舌頭往後方推移,阻塞住口咽。電腦斷層檢查發現一均質低密度之巨大囊腫。病患接受切除手術,切除之腫瘤被膜完整,大小為6×6×7 cm。病理報告證實為表皮樣囊腫。術後症狀顯著改善,至今追蹤逾半年,亦無復發跡象。


表皮樣囊腫 口腔底


Epidermoid cysts occur when embryonic development goes slightly awry. Although they have been found in most parts of the body, the oral cavity is nevertheless a rarely involved site. We treated a 28-year-old female patient who described an intro-oral mass that had progressively enlarged over eight years, resulting in snoring, swallowing difficulties, and respiratory distress. On examination, a large tumor was seen emerging from the floor of the mouth and pushing the tongue posteriorly so as to nearly obstruct the oropharynx. Computed tomography depicted a large cystic mass of homogeneous and hypodense content. The patient underwent complete excision of the mass. The capsule remained intact and the size the specimen was 6×6×7 cm. Tissue pathology identified the mass as an epidermoid cyst. Symptoms were markedly relieved postoperatively and there was no recurrence over a six month follow-up period. Accordingly, an epidermoid cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis of any cystic lesions of the floor of the mouth, and complete excision of such tumors is indicated.


epidermoid cyst floor of the mouth
