

神經鞘瘤(neurilemmoma)乃一良性、生長緩慢及外含包被之腫瘤,可發生於身體任何部位,但長在口腔底部(mouth floor)者,卻極罕見。臨床上少有症狀,故大部份腫瘤在發現前,常已存在多時。治療以外科切除為主,預後佳,復發率極低。 本科於85年9月經驗一位26歲女性,主訴在右側口腔底部有一無痛性突起,年來覺有漸進性腫脹。外觀為黏膜完整之口腔底部腫塊,經切除為一包被完整之腫瘤,組織病理檢查,及藉S100蛋白質的免疫組織化學染色(immunohistochemical staining)呈陽性反應,證實為神經鞘瘤。術後門診追蹤迄今5個多月,並無復發跡象。


神經鞘瘤 口腔底部


Neurilemmoma (also known as Schwannoma, Schwann's cell tumor, lemmoma, neurinoma, neurolemmoma, and peripheral fibroblastoma) is a benign tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin. These lesions may occur at any location which grow extremely slowly, and are usually asymptomatic. Most of the tumors had been present for a long period before diagnosis. Treatment by surgical excision is considered adequate. Recurrence is uncommon and malignant change is said to be rare. In September 1996, a 26-year-old female complained of a painless swelling in the right anterior mouth floor. It increased in size slightly in the past one year without any discomfort. The tumor was excised intactly. The histopathology showed typical picture of neurilemmoma with well encapsulated. The diagnosis was also confirmed by the immunohistochemical staining of the tumor cells with S100 protein. Neurilemmoma occurring in the mouth floor is rare, we hereby present a case experience for clinical consideration when encountering a mass in the mouth floor.


