  • 期刊

Laryngeal Involvement of Type I Neurofibromatosis- Case Report



Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a genetic disorder of the nervous system that primarily affects the development and growth of neural tissues. There are two major clinically and genetically distinct forms of neurofibromatosis, namely, neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2 (NF1 and NF2). NF1 is characterized by its cutaneous manifestations, café au lait spots, lentigines and neurofibromas. NF2 is characterized by bilateral vestibular schwannomas and other tumors of the central nervous system. Laryngeal involvement of neurofibromatosis can rarely present and mostly manifest with dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor or hoarseness. We presented an extremely rare case of an asymptomatic neurofibroma of the aryepiglottic fold incidentally discovered by health examination in a 31-year-old NF1 woman.


神經纖維瘤病是一種遺傳性的疾病,可能於神經系統形成腫瘤,也可能會影響非神經組織的發展,如影響骨骼及皮膚。一般而言,神經纖維瘤是良性腫瘤的機率較高,多數生長在表皮或皮下組織,但少數也可能長在身體其他區域。本病例報告是1名31歲女性病人,自述無相關家族遺傳病史,但本身爲第一型多發性神經纖維瘤疾病史,至本院就診前無任何身體不適之症狀,無喉部疼痛,無吞嚥、呼吸困難,也無發聲困難或聲音沙啞之現象。主訴於體檢時經鼻内視纖維鏡檢查發現左側杓會厭皺襞有明顯不對稱突出,臨床表徵疑似腫瘤,經轉介而於西元2016年3月22日至本科就診。理學檢查發現左側杓會厭皺襞有一黏膜下腫塊,另於四肢及軀幹皆有明顯咖啡牛奶斑及皮下神經纖維瘤;生化檢查報告顯示無白血球及發炎指數升高。頸部電腦斷層顯示左側杓會厭皺襞處有明顯約1 cm突出物,但無其他頸部淋巴結腫大情形。經喉顯微手術將腫瘤切除,病理報告確診為杓會厭皺襞之神經纖維瘤。因此區域之神經纖維瘤十分少見,故提出此案例報告討論。
