  • 期刊


A Geographical Exploration of House Space in Townships along the Choshui River South Bank




Houses are a part of human geography, and a product of interactions between natural and human geographies. Because numerous influential factors construct complicated relationships, the relationships between house characteristics and geographical factors are difficult to clarify. Although the positive relationships between houses and geography cannot be established, the hermeneutic relationships between them can be anticipated. This study mainly attempts to reestablish the relationships between houses and geography based on a hermeneutic geographical point of view. This study takes houses located along the south bank of the Choshui River as examples. A total of 175 farm houses in 95 villages of 6 townships of Yunlin County are investigated. The spatial characteristics are recorded and their distributions are analyzed. This study selects 4 geographical factors, i.e. topography, climate, population, and economy, to make comparative analyses with the distributions of spatial characteristics. The outcomes are as follows: 1. The geographical distributions of house spatial characteristics can be categorized as "mountain-sea prominent mode" and "plain prominent mode". The former mostly correlates with topography categorized as natural geography. The later correlates with an agricultural economy categorized as human geography. 2. Some spatial characteristics, strongly correlating with geographical factories, can be termed "Basic Spatial Characteristics"; the others, reproduced by basic spatial characteristics, can be termed "Composite Spatial Characteristics". 3. In addition to topography and economy, the influences of other selected geographical factors, i.e. climate and population, are not significant. This research is merely focused on the 6 townships along the south bank of the Choshui River. The geographical situations are limited. More comparative studies within various geographical situations are necessary in order to deeply inspect the relationships between houses and geography. The socio-economical situations are transforming, and traditional farm houses are adapting to the changing external environment. The dynamic relationships between houses and geography are still worth observing.


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