  • 期刊


The Free and Unfettered Ways of Visiting Amazing Landscapes and Seeking Pleasure in Company with the Stunning Beauties?-The Tactics of Statement on the Reproduced Literature and Art of the Scholars' Traveling Chiang Nan (江南) during the Middle and Late Period of Ming Dynasty


明代中葉以降,文人遊歷之風大熾。透過文人的靈心慧筆,將所經歷的在地景觀,再現爲遊記書寫,箇中飽含了自身對於『人文俗尚』與『山水自然』的內在對話。 遲至今日,研究者對於晚明遊記小品的接受,依舊停留在『清新輕俊』的模糊概觀。筆者披閱明人遊記,嘗試於舊說成見之外,梳理出另類人文地景-一幅幅洋溢了紅塵粉黛、繁華喧囂的城郊名勝風景圖,而這顯然已非『清新輕俊』一語得以概括。 本論文即以「歌吹爲風,粉汗爲雨,羅紈之盛」這類江南歷遊書寫,作爲核心文獻,並鎖定李流芳、袁宏道二人爲主要觀察對象,歸納分析「山水/粉黛」之再現模式與敘述策略。藉此研究,我們將重叩時代風華的大門,通過文字想像再次領略一場晚明江南城市的欲望風景。


城市 山水 欲望 觀看 再現 晚明文人 遊記 歷游書寫 場域


Since the middle period of Ming Dynasty, traveling had been very popular with the scholars. Through their inspiration and quick witted mind, they, with a lovely pen, wrote up the local fantastic views into their travel notes, which showed their inner dialogues between the prevalent tendencies and customs of normal human feelings and nature beauty. While reading those travel notes, people can not only understand tacitly the tones and writing styles of scholars’ travel notes, but also picture and sort out the impressive humanity scenes, filled with the beauties wearing their make-up on and the flourishing, confused noises of the streets and cities, and popular amazing landscapes. But obviously, it cannot completely be summarized only by a happy turn of phrase of their fresh tones and writing styles in the travel notes. This study is undertaken in the hope of leading to a better understanding of the travel notes, written by Li Liu-fang (李流芳) and Yuan Hong-dao (袁宏道). They gave a vivid description of the outskirts where people visited with the splendid scenery and flowery language, such as the relaxed atmosphere of listening to the songs which were like the wind filled the air, sweating like raindrops from women's powdered faces, dressing up in expensive, gorgeous clothing, which are the core and subject of this study. With making a survey of contemporary scholars' inner feelings, this study will show you the choice of which one they wrote and emphasized more about: the fantastic views or the stunning beauties, which is also the focus the author develops in detail. Furthermore, it also gives you the process of how the established literature field accepted such kinds of literary works. Thus, this study can help you to comprehend and reconstruct the scholars' choice through appraising the qualities of their elaborate, impressive descriptions and inner dialogues.




