  • 期刊


The Formation of the Pilgrimage Season in Mingjian Township 名間鄉 for Shoutian Temple's 受天宮 Highest Emperor of the Dark Heaven (Xuantianshangdi 玄天上帝): A Discussion and Reflection on the Development of the Capitalization of Popular Beliefs and Culture




The pilgrimage season of Shoutian Temple's Xuantianshangdiin Nantou county'sMingjian Townshiporiginated from the annual pilgrimages of large numbers of pilgrimage groups, sacred altars, and individuals to the temple around the emperor's birthday. Year after year, from the end of the lunar New Year tothe fourth month of the lunar calendar, the event became a regular pilgrimage period. Due to the immense number of participants, it is now an important distinguishing quality and symbol of Nantou County's folk culture. Therefore, in 2012, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou Countyformally registered the event as "Folk Cultural Capital of Nantou County." The grand occasion of the pilgrimage to Shoutian temple was very early on givenscholarly attention, especially since it was not the earliest center of Xuantianshangdibeliefs, yet still possessed the power of influencing belief of the deity in all of Taiwan. Therefore, the present study delves into the formational period of theShoutian Temple pilgrimage to understand how theexpansion of belief and its influence formed. At the same time, the article analyzes and discusses the meaning of its registration as Nantou County's intangible cultural capital. In addition, it outlinesvisions of its development after its cultural capitalization in order to uncover this folk custom's particularity. The paper, through this topic, also explores the relationship between present cultural capital policies and popular beliefs and how we should consider the power of cultural policy, a so-called "necessary evil."


