  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Etymological Origins and Developments of the Character zhuan 傳 ("Transmission") and the Literary Genre of Zhuan ("Tradition- Commentary") in Pre-Imperial Chinese Classics




傳注 語源學 引申義 《說文解字》


The literary genre of zhuan 傳, or "tradition-commentary," is one often found cited in pre-imperial Chinese works, and by the Western Han came to constitute a distinct form of commentarial literature on the works that had by then come to be seen as the "classics" (jing 經). This significant genre has ancient origins, but much more research needs to be done before we can begin to determine just what kind of attributes a work of those early times needed to possess in order to be called a "zhuan." Through an investigation of the etymological origins and developments of the character zhuan (chuan) from its first appearance in oracle bones to its various usages in Warring States literature, this study attempts a preliminary identification of the characteristics by which these "tradition-commentaries" may have been first defined.
