  • 期刊


On the Reflections of Voicing/Devoicing Alternation and Tonal Alternation in Hakka




客家話 清濁別義 四聲別義 四縣 海陸


Voicing/devoicing alternation and tonal alternation are two common types of morphology in Ancient Chinese, and these morphological phenomena had left some traces in modern dialects more or less. This article manages to find out the pairs of Hakka cognates that exhibit alternations conditioned by meanings or grammatical categories and sums up four types of alternations: (1) the alternation of voiced Shang and voiceless Shang, and voiceless Shang indicates causative. (2) The alternation of voiceless Qu and voiced Ping, and the voiceless Qu indicates causative. (3) When voiced/voiceless alternation occurs, voiceless initials are identified as action verbs, and voiced initials are identified as state verbs. (4) When voiced/voiceless alternation occurs, voiceless initials would be verbs, and voiced initials would be nouns. Nowadays voicing/devoicing alternation and tonal alternation in Hakka have been fixed in the lexicon and can't be productive anymore, but the morphology in the types of alternations would probably be retained in different subdialects of Hakka, and cause the irregular correspondences on the surface. This article explores examples the reflections of ancient morphological alternations in modern Hakka, which help to explain some exceptions to the rules of sound correspondences in Hakka.


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