  • 期刊


The Singular Way from the Tradition: Exploring Chen Yinque's Research on Chinese Phonology from Academic Concepts and Interpretation Methods




陳寅恪 語文學 音韻學 文化史 格義


Though best known as a historian, Chen Yinque was an erudite scholar in many fields. For example, in his early period of studying abroad, he was significantly influenced by the German classical philology, as indicated in his "Sisheng Sanwen" (1934), "On Wu Chinese of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasties" (1936), "On Qieyun from the Historical Materials" (1949). The concepts and methods mentioned in these articles has demonstrated significant references for the development of the future of Chinese phonology. Hence, this article discusses Chen's research on Chinese phonology by analyzing (i) his genealogy of scholarship, (ii) research methods, and (iii) his influences and inspirations, and finally elaborates his characteristics of humanities that his phonological systems exhibits-which stands in contrast to Bernhard Karlgren's model of history of phonology. Therefore, the paper wishes to open up a new category of scholarship that mends the incompleteness of the former scholarship in this field in order to exhibit the rules for future scholars. The researcher wishes that it would serve as an example of shift for the future Chinese phonology scholarship.


Chen Yinque philology phonology history of culture Geyi


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