  • 期刊


Preliminary Study of Investigating Potential Applications and Research with E-Readerse


本研究以電子書應用於情境學習為基礎,結合雲端技術的多媒體註記與辨識情境工具,設計出利於學習者在真實情境中的建構學習,達到橋接在校與在家的無縫學習(Seamless Learning)。多媒體註記工具具備有錄音、照相及文字註記...等功能,可以讓學生隨時註記在電子書上的學習內容;而辨識情境工具,則是利用拍即搜(Photo & Search)機制,將學習者在真實情境想要學習的真實內容,拍照並辨識轉換為學習文字訊息,建立一個讓學習者在真實情境中能主動學習的輔助機制。本研究將探討電子書與多媒體註記應用於國小學生學習英語字彙與認識植物的二個學習情境:(一)輔助國小學生在真實情境中學習英語字彙,並設計英語字彙學習策略與多樣的課後學習活動,提供學習者一個橋接在校與在家的英語學習真實情境,以增進英語字彙與日常生活對話的能力、並探討教師、家長與真實情境對學習之影響。(二)以電子書為行動學習裝置,以校園及家庭等學區內的植物為行動學習環境,提出「情境辨識學習」CTRL(Context to Text Recognition for Learning)的機制,引導學生進行探索學區內植物的建構學習,並應用多媒體註記將探索的心得註記在拍照的植物上,進行分享與同儕互動。本研究進行電子書在學習應用與影響之初探,期許可以發揮電子書的科技優勢,帶給學習環境與活動設計的新思維,讓學習走出教室,與真實學習情境結合,讓知識可以活用與帶著走。


The study focused on using E-readers for contextual learning with support of cloud computing, one multimedia annotation tool and one context recognition were employed in cloud network to support learners for context exploration and facilitate them to learn actively. For utilizing the easy-to carry feature of E-readers, some learning activities after school were designed for extension of school learning, bridging learning between school and home, and surroundings among learners (school, home and all context learners usually contacted in daily life) to achieve seamless learning. For multimedia annotation, there are textual annotation and voice annotation, allowing learners to take notes along with reading learning materials in E-readers, while context recognition tool provides photo&search mechanism, which recognize contextual objects photographing by learners and provide related learning information to learners, thus build an interesting authentic environment to inspire active learning. In the study, there were two experimental scenarios; one attempted to activate learners learn and apply English in authentic context with photo & search in order to promote students' learning achievement. Besides learning English in the school, after-school learning in the daily life and authentic environment can also provide vital learning opportunities. Familiar context can give learners helpful inspiration and facilitation for their applying knowledge learned in class to the context, especially for language learning; the other experiment tried to provide a scaffolding mechanism to facilitate students active learning in real plant environment around school and home. Moreover, CTRL (Context to Text Recognition for Learning) was proposed to help learners explore plants around them and construct their learning with annotation on the plant map with GPS (Global Positioning System) support. Further post sharing through map could conduct peers help and assessment.In this study, the applications and their effect with E-readers were investigated with utilizing their strengths fully for learning, particularly move forward learning scenarios and activities design. It is expected that learning could be outside of school and connected to authentic context, thereby make learning meaningful and useful when learners apply knowledge to authentic scenarios or solve problems in their life.




