  • 期刊


Token Women's Situations in Masculine Occupational Fields: The Cases of Coast Guard and Fire Fighting Sectors


隨著性別工作平等法的施行,以及行政院對於性別主流化的大力推動,許多以男性為主要人力的政府部會單位,逐漸取消原本招募人力時的性別門檻。於是,愈來愈多女性進入這樣的陽剛職場,也為組織內部慣有的制度與文化帶來新的挑戰。為了對這樣的改變有更深入的瞭解與因應,本研究以海洋巡防及消防工作為例,訪談在這些單位工作的女性及其男性同仁、長官,呈現女性進入陽剛職場的經驗與困境,並分析構成這些困境的原因。 從樣板理論(theory of tokenism)的視角出發,本文呈現了三項主要發現。首先,本文指出Rosabeth Moss Kanter所提出的三種樣板效應:角色誘捕、界線鞏固、放大檢視等,在本研究的研究對象身上,多半獲得印證。本文也強調在工作環境較為封閉、工作崗位過去很少出現女性以及女性同仁為初任者(實習或剛畢業的階段)的情況下,主管單位應當避免指派「單一女性」進入一個全男性的單位工作。 其次,本文發現樣板女性進入陽剛職場之後,有重新改寫陽剛工作內涵與模式的能動性。受訪的一些女性消防與海巡隊員,在實務經驗中挑戰了過去這些工作所定義的「核心能力」,指出某些女性常有的能力與特質,可以更增加工作安全與表現。此外,本文也指出女性員工的加入,凸顯了過去這些陽剛組織制度設計的男性中心傾向,也帶來組織重新檢討改革,邁向「性別友善」職場的契機。 第三,本文指出樣板效應的產生和女性的不適應,除了「數字」這個直接原因外,更結構性的因素在於主流社會的性別角色規範和分工,以及這些陽剛職場過去以男性為主的制度安排與組織文化。因此,在社會性別平權觀念尚未達到一定程度以前,組織內部的制度與文化改革,勢必面對一定的阻礙與困難。為此,本研究也在最後提出一些促進陽剛職場性別平權的配套建議。


With the legislation of the Gender Equality in Employment Act and the adoption of Gender Mainstreaming approaches, most male-dominated public sectors in Taiwan no longer set limits on the number of women in the recruitment process. As a result, an increasing number of women have entered these masculine occupational fields, and brought about challenges to the existing system and culture in the organizations. Using the cases of the coast guard and fire fighting sectors as examples, this research aims to explore and deliberate the situations of token women in these masculine fields, so as to develop policy recommendations. Drawing on Rosabeth Moss Kanter's conceptual framework of tokenism as well as the supplementary notions made by other theorists, this paper explores three obstacles to women's adjustment and performance in the occupational fields, namely the stereotypical gendered division of labor, male-centered occupational arrangement and establishment, and the pressure imposed on tokens due to excessive attention. Furthermore, the authors analyze the organizational, cultural and societal factors that contextualize and sustain tokenism. Finally, the paper concludes with several policy recommendations, both institutional and structural, to combat the above-mentioned token effects.


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