  • 期刊


Urban Governance of France with a Globalization and Geopolitics Perspectives




Urban governance is a serious challenge that human society needs to deal with in the twenty-first century. In the twenty-first century, there is a movement towards globalization, and some political frontiers are disappearing. However, certain new frontiers are also being established at the same time. For example, more and more mega cities are emerging. Those metropolitan areas, like Tokyo, New York, Paris, all have more than ten million residents and are known by everyone on earth. The city itself is a new player in the world and often has more influence than the traditional state. The problem is under the Westphalia international social structure, local governments still need to work with the central power. The example of France is informative. France has a powerful central government and has some big cities like Paris, but it also must deal with a lot of middle size urban authorities. The urban governance of France is supported by three pillars. The first one is local government, the second one is the city policy of the central government, and the third one is local cooperation and integration. In this new conception, frontiers are moving, and resources are being shared. This article aims to study the urban governance of France, in considering the new concept of the metropolis of France which is being created in 2015 and 2016, by studying the cases of Paris, Lyon and Marseille, hoping to understand better this new policy.


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