  • 期刊


Uncovering the Audience Models from Social Values and Economic Efficiency Perspectives on Media Policy: Light Shed on the Debate over Exclusive CableTelevision Franchising


本論文首先整理相關文獻,比較有線電視管制之主要取向。然後,針對有線電視系統獨占性營運特許政策之爭議,在經濟效益與社會價值之分析架構下,以主要取向適用與否:包括印刷媒體、廣播電視媒體、公用載具、功能取徑、以及受限的公共論壇等五種管制模式,來評估贊成與反對獨占性營運特許兩派主張之利弊得失。另外,借用由Entman & Wildman(1992)提出的分析架構,把追求生產者福利的「商品模式」與追求消費者福利的「市場模式」歸屬為強調經濟效益的媒體政策觀點;並進一步依據強調社會價值的媒體政策觀點,提出追求公民社會福祉的「公共論壇模式」,修改延伸了Webster & Phalen提出的大眾閱聽人模式,而發展出媒體政策觀點背後所預設的閱聽人模式。最後,進一步釐清經濟效益與社會價值如何在媒體決策上相互牴觸,或相輔相成。本文目的不在做價值判斷,分出孰輕孰重,而在於澄清政策辯論中常用的核心概念,並且把隱而不彰的閱聽人模式搬出來放到檯面上,以使常易失焦的媒體政策辯論重新切入問題的核心。未來在界定媒體政策辯論議程時,宜把價值觀點與所隱含的閱聽人模式予以透明化,以免因定義焦點不同,或指涉不同政策目標,而無法有效的對話。未來研究可望進一步檢驗媒體政策價值觀點、閱聽人模式、媒體政策辯論說辭之間(between as well as among)複雜的關係,以供改進媒體決策效率與品質之參考。


This paper begins with a review of the literature on the main approaches to regulating cable in general. The arguments for and against the policy of exclusive franchising in cable television, in particular, are examined respectively from the perspectives of economic efficiency and social values. The evaluation of these pros and cons centers on how to apply the newspaper model, the broadcast model, a common carrier model, functional approach, or public forum analysis to cable regulation adequately.The aim of this paper is not to prioritize one over the other perspective on media policy, but to propose an expanded research agenda designed to enrich policy dialogue in an attempt to develop more effective communications policy. In closing, we suggest researchers to clarify further the complex linkages between and among perspectives on media policy, the implied audience models, and the rhetoric of advocates of specific policies.
