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Posterior Subcapsular Cataract Induced by Corticosteroids a Case Report


A case of cataract induced by systemic corticosteroid continuous oral therapy of corticosteroid for rheumatoid arthritis for 7 years and 7 months, (the total amount was 24 gm.) and developed posterior subcapsular cataract in both eyes 5 years after. Visual acuity at that time droped to 0.3 in right eye and 0.2 in left eye, which were uncorrectable. Seven and a half months after discontinuation of the steroid, the posterior subcapsular opacities of the lenses became thinner and the acuity of vision increased to 0.9 in right eye and 0.8 in left. May be the patient was hypersensitive to the steroids, impairment of the vision recurred, 1/2 months after reuse of the drug. The vision improved again after withdrawal of the steroids for four weeks.


