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Comparison of Absorable Sutures for Cataract Surgery


榮民總醫院眼科,自1979到1980年一年間分別選擇30隻眼睛使用8-0 Dexon與8-0 Collagen兩種縫線於囊內白內障摘除手術,以比較這兩種縫線使用於白內障手術時,對組織之反應與病人之感受及手術操作上之差異。 比較結果,我們認為Dexon為接近理想的白內障手術縫線,惟在病人舒適方面,剛開完刀,Collagen比Dexon有較佳的舒適感,在組織反應方面,Collagen的反應比較輕微,但在手術操作上,Dexon較強靭,不易斷裂,容易操作,手術後縫線脫落引起傷口裂隙的情形較少。




We compared the result of 60 unevenful cataract surgery using absorable sutures from June 1979 to June 1980 in Veterans General Hospital. With 30 eyes using the 8-0 Dexon (Polyglycolic acid) sutures and other 30 eyes using 8-0 Collagen sutures. The tissue reaction, handing properties and patient's subjective feelings were compared. There was no significant difference between the Dexon and Collagen as regards to the degree of tissue reaction. But the reaction caused by Dexon was slightly obvious than that was observed in Collagen in initial postoperative days. In patient's subjective feeling, the photophobia, tearing and foreign body sensation were compared. Both groups of Dexon and Collagen have no significant photophobia, tearing or foreign body sensation after the operation. However, during the first postoperative week, there were less complaints about foreign body sensation in the Collagen group. As regard to the handing properties, Dexon sutures were stronger, easier to handle and having good knot holding power. However, these differences are not significant and mainly are subjective. We think 8-0 Dexon suture is nearly ideal absorable sutures for the cataract surgery and can be used without obvious problems.


Dexon Collagen Cataract Extraction
