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CAN○N RK-1自動驗光儀之臨床評估

Clinic Evaluation of Canon PK-1 Auto-Ref-Keratometer


自77年6月至78年1月之眼科門診病患除屈光異常外無其他眼疾者共500位(1000隻眼數),以Canon RK-1自動驗光儀測量眼球屈光狀況,沒有散瞳情況下,其測量的數值誤差頗大,不足做為配鏡處方之依據 散瞳後測量所得的數值,在近視群中所有年齡層與遠視群的中學以上年齡層,其球面鏡屈光度及圓柱鏡屈光度可以取代檢影法做為配鏡處方之依據。從500病例中選100位患者(200雙眼數),以Canon RK-1自動驗光儀測量角膜弧度與手調式角膜弧度儀測量,比較兩者所測量結果並沒有多大差異,但前者操作簡單迅速且可得到相當準確的測量值。




During the period from June 1988 to January 1989, we had 500 out-patient of refraction error (1000 eyes examination) without any other eye disease. The use of Canon RK-1 Auto-Ref-Keratometer in measurement of refraction power could not be used as a basis for the glasses prescription, because of existence of some tolerances under noncycloplegic state. Under the cycloplegic state, the spherical power and cylinder power obtained from all-aged myopic groups and all hyperopic groups up from middle school aged level could be taken to replace retinoscopic method as basis for the glasses prescription. The 100 patients (200 eyes examination) were selected randomly from among the above 500 cases showed little differnece between the measurement obtained from Canon RK-1 Auto-Ref-Keratometer and manual keratometer on corneal curvature. But the former eas easier to operate and achieved with good precision.


Auto Ref-Keratometer Retinoscopy Keratometry Myopia Hyperopia
