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Peri-Bulbar Injection of Triamcinolone in the Treatment of Bilateral Serous Retinal Detachment in Preeclampsia and Eclampsia



目的:報告一位子癲前症與另一位子癲症患者,在懷孕分娩前後均合併雙眼漿液性視網膜剝離,觀察施予眼球旁類固醇注射之預後。 材料:兩位年紀分別爲35歲與22歲的孕婦,在懷孕末期分別被診斷爲子癲前症與子癲症患者,因視力模糊會診眼科後嶺現兩人均呈現雙眼嚴重漿液性視網膜剝離,分別立即給予眼球旁類固醇注射後,定期評估其視力、眼壓、眼底照相與眼部超音波等檢查項目。 結果:我們發現在施予類固醇注射後的兩天內,由眼底照相與眼部超音波顯示兩位患者的四隻患眼,其漿液性視網膜剝離已明顯改善且雙眼最佳視力亦於一周內逐漸恢復至6/6,而且在六個月的追蹤時問內並無明顯的併發症發生。 結論:子癲前症與子癲症合併雙眼漿液性視網膜剝離的案例相當罕見,我們給予眼球旁類固醇注射使得患者快速恢復視力且已剝離的視網膜也快速復位。縱然大部分未治療的病患其症狀在1個月內可能改善,但是剛生產過後,突發性的雙眼視力喪失絕對是一種精神與肉體上的衝擊。或許我們可以採用眼球旁類固醇注射這一種安全且簡便的方法,讓偉大的母親早期恢復視力。




Purpose: To report two cases of preeclampsia and eclampsia with bilateral serous retinal detachment that received treatment with peri-bulbar steroid injection. Methods: Four eyes from two patients with bilateral serous retinal detachment were treated with a 40 mg peri-bulbar injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA). Visual acuity, intraocular pressure, fundus photographs and B-scan ultrasonographs were evaluated. Results: Fundus photography and B-scan ultrasonography showed that retinal reattachment occurred two days after the injection and that normal visual acuity was subsequently regained in one week. There were no other ocular complications after 6 months follow-up. Conclusions: The occurrence of serous retinal detachment in pregnancy is relatively rare and complications unusual. Peri-bulbar injection of TA may result in rapid and sustained improvement of visual acuity and retinal attachment associated with preeclampsia and eclampsia. Although most of the symptoms and signs should improve gradually, the sudden onset of blindness may strike the younger women. Our method may be easier and safer for the early blind and anxious mothers.
