  • 期刊


The Application of Mobile Healthcare Information Systems via Inter-Hospital Mobile Devices Management Platform-A Case Study of Chi Mei Medical Center


隨著行動裝置之普及與盛行,BYOD(Bring Your Own Device)風潮亦逐步走入醫院。在忙碌的各醫療院所中,行動裝置愈來愈常被用來存取醫療資訊系統。除了行動性優點,這些行動裝置還能夠簡化工作流程和改善醫病關係。然而醫院導入行動化應用最困難的並非裝置的選用,而是背後資訊安全政策管理的機制與運作。本論文探討奇美醫學中心自行整合硬體、軟體、網路等三要素建構可跨院區的行動裝置管理平台且實際應用於行動醫療系統之建置,管理平台之系統架構主要分為三個部份來設計,分別為網管系統、無線認證與行動裝置管理平台及行動醫療系統的實作。透過本系統的建置可簡化繁複的網路相關設定與管理,大量減輕網管人員負擔,並有效地提升工作效益。行動醫療的時代已來臨,本論文僅是一個開端,後續仍有相當多行動化的應用系統等待發展,無論應用程式、資訊安全、個資保護…等議題無疑地對醫院資訊部門均為極大之衝擊。目前醫院正面臨使用者工作模式改變,例如:院外查詢病歷、院外電子簽章、院外調閱影像、在家輸入報告、在家補病歷…等需求將陸續提出,行動裝置也將結合虛擬私人網路 (Virtual Private Network, VPN)、虛擬桌面基礎架構(Virtual Desktop Infra- structure, VDI)、雲端應用(Cloud Applications)…等不同組合。展望未來,行動醫療的使用將會是無時無刻、無遠弗屆,在提升使用便利性外,更殷切期盼藉由資訊科技能更進一步提升醫療照護品質,落實達到以病人為中心之全人照護目標。


With the popularity and prevalence of mobile devices, hospitals are embracing the trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). More and more mobile devices are thus used by hospitals for accessing hospital information systems. Mobile devices can streamline workflows and improve doctor-patient relationships besides mobility. However, the most difficult issue for hospitals when adopting mobile applications is not what mobile devices to choose but how to comply with the information security policy. Our study aimed to develop a mobile device management platform which allows the application of mobile healthcare information systems in Chi Mei Medical Center. The platform was homegrown by integrating required hardware, software, and network components. The system architecture is constituted of three elements: 1) network management system, 2) wireless authentication and the platform for managing mobile devices, and 3) the implementation of mobile healthcare systems. Via our proposed platform, we can simplify the efforts required for the management of network configuration and reduce the workloads in order to improve the performance of network administrators. The era of mobile healthcare has arrived. Our study is only a starting point and there are still a lot of mobile applications to be developed. Issues such as the development of applications, information security, and the protection of personal information will inevitability exert large impact on the department of information systems. Meanwhile, hospitals are facing the shift of working model such as inquiry about medical records, conducting electronic signature on medical records, accessing x-ray films, or interpreting examination results outside hospitals. These requirements will be raised by healthcare staffs stage by stage. Moreover, mobile devices will be further applied by combining virtual private network, virtual desktop infrastructure, and cloud applications. Looking to the future, the application of mobile healthcare systems will be anywhere and anytime. Besides improving the ease-of-use of these applications, it is our expectation that information technology will further improve the quality of healthcare in order to attain the goal of holistic patient-centered care.


黃政杰(2015)。企業對於員工自帶電腦與設備之理性決策模型 — 針對台灣產業的研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00273
