  • 期刊


Research of Local Visual Iconography System and Using the Present Situation-with Taiwan's Southern Areas as a Case Study


塑造地方形象不僅是設計表現,更是生活情境和文化價值的體認。本文針對台灣地區319鄉鎮的「地方視覺符號」之精神和意義,進行研究調查、比對和分析,以期了解當前各鄉鎮是否對此進行符號的轉譯設計或應用,如入口意象、景觀營造、文化節慶、產業活動等內容。目前計劃進行為第一階段,調查範圍:高雄縣、屏東縣、台南縣、嘉義縣、澎湖縣。研究結果如下: 1.設計手法:鄉鎮徽章設計以具象法居多,其次為文字法。多數鄉鎮在徽章中加入行政地名以提高辨識度,僅少數鄉鎮加註別稱或標語。 2.設計形式:徽章表現多以地景和產業為設計題材,部分地區另以人文為設計主題,如屏東縣的原住民族鄉鎮。以圓形為基本形態的設計,如高雄縣、屏東縣、嘉義縣、澎湖縣等地區最顯著。交叉比對標誌設計手法和地方文化產業資源的意象,利用具象法結合地景、產業,是目前鄉鎮徽章常見的設計模式。 3.應用現況:徽章應用範圍以公所建築外觀居多,其次為公所內部物件,如部門吊牌和事務用品。鄉鎮花的應用,僅有公所內吊牌和戶外交通路牌。利用物產的視覺表現,以結合路燈的形式最常見。入口意象設置,分為地域路標和入口牌樓,除原有地名標示,多以徽章和物產作為裝飾語彙。


The local image is not only a designs but also the realizion of life situation and culture value. This research investigated Taiwan 319 villages and towns of ”local visual Iconography System” and verified the translation design and application of the symbol of all the contemporary village and town in the range of Kaohsiung County, Pingtung County, Tainan County, Chiayi County, Penghu County. The results of study were generalized as follows: 1.Design technique: The village badge designs to display the concrete at most, a aliteracy the second. Many villages join administration place names to promote indety in the badge. Only few villoges show their second names or bladges. 2.Design behaves: Utilize view and industry to be main elements; some areas were designed by the humane theme, such as the aborigine’s villages and towns in Pingtung County. In a round design, the Kaohsiung County, Pingtung County, Chiayi County, Penghu County are examplified. Cross on the logo design practices and resources of local cultural industries imagery, using a combination of landscape as law, industry, is the township emblem common design patterns. 3.Applied Conditions: Applications to mark the construction of township offices look more, and for the Hall of internal objects, such as supplies and services sector tag. The flowers of the villages and towns, only hang the card and traffic signpost commonly. The most of the medel product design combines the street lamp. The image of the entry is divided into a signpost and decorated archway. Except the original name of the place, most entries were decorated with badge and produce.


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