  • 期刊


The Organizational and Psychological Aspects of Greedy Institutions: A Case Study of Ri Yue Ming Gong




"Greedy institution" is a sociological concept put forth by Lewis A. Coser. It designates institutions that issue all-encompassing demands on their members and seek their exclusive, undivided loyalty directed at them. Yet it does not reach those demands through coercion, but rather by engulfing in its spell the entire personality of its members, from whom they obtain unanimous approval and compliance. From this perspective, this study tries to get into the inner side of a group called Ri Yue Mong Gong, which has drawn popular attention in 2013 when the big news broke out in Changhua County, Taiwan, that a 17-year-old high school student was taken by the group into custody and died. Retrospectively speaking, as the original goal of inner self-growth was gradually externalized as group sharing and expressing gratefulness to the teacher, Ri Yue Ming Gong had begun to deeply intervene and even monopolize its members' family and personal life. Thus, as the issue of teenage discipline came up, many unresolved inner contradictions became salient, and eventually put an end to the development of this group by this tragic incident. Based mainly upon semi-structured interviews and attainable court files, this study explores both the organizational and psychological dimensions of the group. It also proposes the concept of "reconstructing attachment" to explain why participants continued to adhere to this group even after it had evolved into a greedy institution. At the end, it also touches upon the issue of whether a greedy institution could possibly maintain a rather balanced development.


判決書來源,初審、二審與三審判決書,均可見於可供公開查詢的「司法院法學資料檢索系統」。(上網日期:2016 年5 月8 日)。
Baltes, M. M.,Silverberg, S.(1994).The Dynamics between dependency and autonomy: Illustrations across the life span.Life-span Development and Behavior.12,41-90.
