  • 期刊


Fresh Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Using Stainless Steel Oxidizing Slag


本研究以不銹鋼氧化碴取代部分骨材製成自充填混凝土,希望以工業生產廢棄物替代天 然骨材的開採,並且解決爐碴廢棄物對環境造成之問題及降低混凝土成本。本試驗採用不銹 鋼氧化碴取代骨材進行實驗,針對等級2 自充填混凝土之坍度、坍流度、V 型漏斗流下性試 驗及箱型障礙通過性試驗等新拌性質進行比較,探討不銹鋼氧化碴取代骨材製成自充填混凝 土之可行性,結果顯示,不銹鋼氧化碴取代量0%、50%、100%部分配比可達到坍流度大於 550mm,V 型漏斗流下時間7~20sec,箱型障礙填充高度大於300mm 之自充填混凝土新拌性 質規定,即使用不銹鋼氧化碴取代骨材仍具有其良好之工作特性,以達到事業廢棄物資源化 之目的。


This study aims to employ stainless steel oxidizing slag in replacing a part of aggregate to made level 2 self-compacting concrete. The current work expects to consume slag waste on environment and provide a low-cost concrete. In the mixture, stainless steel oxidizing slag replace aggregate with various ratios (e.g., 0%, 50%, 100%) to investigate its fresh properties via slump test, slump flow test, V-funnel flow test, and box-shaped container test. Testing results show that self-compacting mixture preparing with stainless steel oxidation slag has the slump flow of greater 550mm, V-funnel flow time of 7-20sec, and the box-shaped container test value height of 300mm or higher. These ranges found to meet the flowability requirement for self-compacting concrete. In summary, using stainless steel oxidation slag as a part of conventional aggregates in selfcompacting concrete performs a good fresh performance, achieving benefits of recycling industrial waste.
