  • 期刊


An Analysis on the Variation of Long-term Precipitation and Streamflow for Watersheds in Southern Taiwan




Recently, climate change and other environmental changes brought by human activities have impacted the hydrological environment worldwide. It has become important to assess the water resource variation in the environment. In this study, the Bazhang River, Zengwen River, Yanshui River, Erren River, Laonong River, Ailiao River, Donggang River, and Linbain River Basins in southern Taiwan were selected as study area. As a part of this research, several tests and analysis methods were used. The Mann-Kendall trend test was used to detect the significant trends of precipitation and streamflow data, the Mann-Whitney-Pettit test was used to identify the break points of hydrological data, the double cumulative curve was used to analyze the consistency and variation of precipitation and streamflow, and finally the percentage changes in streamflow caused by climatic change and non-climate factors could be assessed. The results revealed that significant break points could be detected in the Bazhang River, Zengwen River, Laonong River, and Ailiao River Basins, among which two break points were present in the Zengwen River Basin and Ailiao River Basin, respectively. In the first variation period (post-breakpoint), the changes of observed streamflow were 48.27%, -13.37%, 65.96%, and -36.96%, respectively. In the second variation period, the changes in the Zengwen River Basin and Ailiao River Basin compared with the baseline period were 113.92% and -1.05% (negative value indicates a decrease), respectively. The impacts of climate change in the Bazhang River, Zengwen River, Laonong River, and Ailiao River Basins were calculated using a double mass curve, which indicated that the streamflow changes caused by climate change at the first break point were 44.91%, -125.44%, 99.41%, and 32.02% of the total change, respectively. Additionally, climate change accounted for 70.06% and -459.81% of the total change in the second variation periods of the Zengwen River Basin and Ailiao River Basin, respectively. These results can be used as a reference for governance and policy management in the basins of southern Taiwan.
