  • 期刊


Development and Application of a Systematic Problem Solving Methodology-Using Semiconductor Wafer Foundry as a Case Study


x本文係針對一個企業在經營上、管理上或作業上可能遇到的複雜問題,特別是複雜的工程技術問題,提出以品管手法(QC Story)爲基礎,結合Kepner-Tregoe (KT)問題解決手法中,有關3W1H (what、where、when and how many)、是∕不是 (is/is not)以及特徵∕改變(distinction/change)等分析技巧,並加以改良的一套系統化問題解決方法。該方法是從定義問題開始,經由系統化的現況掌握,並配合失效機理分析,先廣度搜尋,找出可疑的線索,然後透過邏輯推論與判斷,收歛問題範圍,再深度挖掘,找出真因,加以驗證,並提出改善及預防對策。 同時可建立團隊之間的共通語言,讓考慮問題更週延,溝通問題更順暢,解決問題更快速。藉以提高企業問題解決的能力、效率與品質,以避免僅憑經驗或直覺來判斷問題,導致不但不能解決問題,反而加深問題之嚴重性。本文除了詳細說明系統化問題解決方法各步驟的內容之外,並以半導體晶圓代工廠爲研討對象,以薄膜製程實際案例,依照步驟詳細說明如何應用本方法,並驗證其可行性。本方法已在聯華電子新加坡分公司廣泛應用於晶圓代工廠之日常管理,並獲得良好之成效。


This article focuses on the complicated problems that a company may face in operation and management, especially for technical engineering issues. In this paper, we have proposed a systematic problem solving methodology based on QC Story and combined with some revised analytic techniques such as ”3W1H” (what, where, when and how many), ”is/is not” and ”distinction/change” in Kepner-Tregoe (KT) method. The proposed methodology tries to find some clues and narrow down the problem scope through systematic status analysis, failure mechanism exploration and logical thinking and then dig out and verify the root cause. It can make problem consideration more comprehensive, problem communication more smooth and problem solving more fast. Hence, the methodology can help a corporate improve the problem solving capability, efficiency and quality and avoid the shortcoming of personal instinct during problem solving. Besides, for illustration and verification, we use semiconductor wafer foundry as a case study to explain the application of the problem solving methodology and verify its feasibility step by step. This methodology has been applied in UMC Singapore Branch widely for wafer foundry daily management and works very well.


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