  • 期刊

Antecedents of Retail Delivery Loyalty: An Empirical Study on Online Auction Logistics



實體輸配送被視為供應鏈管理中的最後一哩,且由於電子商務市場快速成長,探討影響電子商務消費者物流選擇行為之影響因子,有助於物流業者據以改善其市佔率。一個名為超商取貨(retail delivery)的配送機制,亦逐步進佔臺灣電子商務服務的市場,超商取貨係指由物流業者將產品配送至消費者指定的24小時營運便利超商後通知顧客至該超商取貨。根據395份網路拍賣市場物流消費者之有效問卷,包括可靠度、資訊界面及個人接觸品質的物流服務品質,除顯著正向直接影響顧客忠誠度外,並同時經由中介構面顧客滿意度間接影響顧客忠誠度。適當的轉移成本,如時間或額外付出之不便利性,有助於留下顧客;而資通訊系統的改善、員工教育訓練及獲消費者認同的可靠物流程序,係提升物流服務品質之關鍵。本研究並據以提出改善物流服務品質與增加轉移成本的策略,使超商取貨業者得以提升顧客對其之忠誠度。


An exploration into the logistics choice behaviors of online consumers is crucial to help logistics operators increase their share on e-commerce markets. In Taiwan, a new logistics mechanism has been introduced, whereby consumers receive their products from a designated convenience store, a process also known as retail delivery. According to 395 effective samples on online auction markets, logistics service quality, which consists of reliability, information, and quality of personal contact, significantly influences customer loyalty to retail delivery supplier directly and indirectly through an intermediate construct, namely, satisfaction. Appropriate psychological, effort-based and time-based switching costs for consumers assist in enhancing customer loyalty. The information and communication technologies, the training and necessary resources to employees, as well as a more reliable logistics operating procedure agreed upon with the customer improve logistics service quality. This study recommends several strategies for creating switching costs and improving logistics service quality to pledge customer loyalty.


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