  • 期刊


VOCs Emission Control Strategy for Oil Industry in Taiwan


工商業的突飛猛進造就了台灣的經濟奇蹟,卻也使我們的環境遭受空前的破壞,其中影響最直接的就是每個人日常生活中所不可片刻或缺的空氣品質了。一般而言,空氣中的污染物質包括氮氧化物(NOx)、硫氧化物(SOx)、懸浮固體(SS)、臭氧(O3)、以及揮發性有機化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)等,其中尤以VOCs對環境的影響最為人所關注,不僅其中若含過量的危害物質(如苯、甲苯等)會直接影響環境與人體健康,經由光化學作用後所產生的二次污染物(色括光化煙霧及臭氧等),更會進一步造成全面性的環境危害。 空氣中的揮發性有機化合物主要來自汽機車排放的廢氣,另外的有8%是在汽油的煉製、輸儲和銷售過程中產生。其中有3%來自煉油系統及油槽蒸發所逸失,經由改善製程及油槽與閥門的改良,可大幅改善上述的問題。而發生在汽油運送過程中所逸散的油氣(約佔總VOCs的3%)及加油時所逸散的油氣(約佔總VOCs量的2%),則有賴於油氣回收設備的安裝了。


Gasoline fuel is a major motor fuel that consists of a variety of petroleum hydrocarbons and additives. It contains a large portion of light petroleum hydrocarbons compounds that are highly volatile. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted into atmosphere have been of highly concern because VOCs contain hazardous air pollutants such as benzene. Un-ignited gasoline could burn the skin, particularly the delicate tissues of the eye. On hot summer days, VOCs could react with nitrogen oxides (NOx) to form ozone in the presence of heat and sunlight. Ground-level ozone could cause shortness of breath, coughing, headaches, and eye and throat irritation. Sources of VOCs emission include cars, gasoline-burning engines, paints, industrial solvents, chemical and petroleum manufacturing. The VOCs emission from daily operation of petroleum industry is also a major source of concern. It is estimated that 5% of total VOCs emission is from transportation and distribution process of gasoline. Vapor recovery is a control strategy developed to suppress or collect the gasoline generated during the transfer of gasoline in the marketing and distribution process. To date there are 2,161 service stations in Taiwan. The demand of gasoline fuel still increases with the growing number of motor vehicles. VOCs control has been an important issue in Taiwan. To enhance the VOCs emission control, Taiwan EPA set up the “VOCs Control and Emission Standards” in 1996. EPA also provided compensation to service stations to encourage the installation of vapor recovery system. As a leading company of Taiwan’s oil industry, Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) had noticed the importance of VOCs emission control and conducted two-stage vapor recovery system program at CPC’s facilities since 1982 and accumulated substantial experience in vapor recovery. This paper presents CPC’s efforts in VOCs control and discusses the technical and managerial issues of the strategy.


VOCs emission Vapor recovery Service station
