  • 期刊


Process Integration for Water System


以往水被視為最廉價的資源,然而,隨著不管民生用水或工業用水均呈倍數成長的趨勢下,可預期未來水資源的缺乏將會繼礦物能源之後人類必須面對與克服的重要課題之一。目前部分地區已因缺乏水資源而過度抽取地下水,導致地層嚴重下陷,特別是沿海地區,地層下陷所衍生的後果將逐漸凸顯;同時,各國日益嚴苛的廢水排放標準將導致各工廠廢水處理費用的大幅提升,這些無法或僅少數可回收之投資成本將直接地衝擊到所生產產品之市場競爭力。這些問題迫使工業界必須重新思考如何更有效地利用水資源。 水於各類工廠中使用包括如反應或加熱之媒介、萃取溶劑、冷卻水及洗滌水等等,相當廣乏。使用後之廢水含或多或少之污染物,通常必須採取適當之處理程序,以達法規之排放標準而排放。然而,為尋求降低生產成本與確保企業之永續經營,在積極的作為上必須導入程序整合概念,藉由回收再利用(Reuse)、再生之後回流再利用(Regeneration Reuse or Recycling)、及廢水分流處理(Distributed Effluent Treatment)等方式以尋求最有效地利用水資源。由石化廠之研究案例顯示,以廢水分流處理方式加上一座油水分離池和一座砂濾池,每日回收再利用之製程廢水可高達20%以上。


供水系統 程序整合


In the past, water has been assumed to be a limitless low-cost resource. However, there is now increasing awareness of the danger to the environment caused by the over-extraction of water. At the meantime, the imposition of ever-stricter discharge regulations has driven up effluent treatment costs, requiring capital expenditure with little or no productive return. Water is used in various operations as a reaction and heating medium, solvent in extraction processes, for cleaning, and so on. Water becomes contaminated and is discharged to effluent. All of the effluents tend to be mixed together, along with contaminated storm water, treated centrally in a wastewater treatment system and discharged to the environment. If the use of water can be reduced, then this will reduce not only the cost of water supplied, but also the cost of operation. This is thus considerable incentive to reduce both freshwater consumption and wastewater generation. There are generally three options: water reuse, regeneration reuse and/or recycling, and distributed effluent treatment, used to allow large reductions in the freshwater use and wastewater generation. The case study of a petrochemical plant reveals that more than 20% of wastewater can be reduced just only by a distributed effluent treatment.


Water System Process Integration

