  • 期刊


Research of Flywheel System Energy Harvesting Technology for Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles


本論文探討兩種燃料電池混合動力系統用於FCHV(Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles)上的能量性能比較。利用建構出燃料電池為主要動力源,以鋰電池和飛輪電池為輔的複合動力來源做比較。研究方向是採用完整的FTP-75(美國聯邦標準測試法規)行車測試程序,配合四種不同控制機制:一般行駛混合共同輸出模式、一般行駛充電模式燃料電池模式與制動模式,模擬出全程馬達能量需求與混合動力系統能量輸出狀況。結果顯示出飛輪電池能量回收功率高於鋰電池於冷啟動階段節省約22.6%能耗,穩態階段節省約22.7%能耗,且輸出功率更貼近馬達輸出曲線。飛輪電池可承受快速充放電且可節省充電時間並大幅降低馬達瞬間的大電流輸出能有效降低馬達的負擔。在相同情況下,全面提升混合動力車行車之效能。


In this study, 2 fuel-cell hybrid systems for the energy performance comparison offuel-cell hybrid vehicles (FCHVs) will be presented. The lithium battery and the flywheel battery were the auxiliary power sources. The vehicle driving test, FTP-75 (Federal Test Procedure), was applied for 4 different control modes: mixed common output mode, normal driving charge mode, fuel-cell mode, and braking mode. The flywheel battery can withstand rapid charging and discharging, which substantially reduces time and instantaneous motor current output. It can also effectively reduce the load on the motor. In conclusion, under the same conditions, the flywheel battery enhanced the driving range of the hybrid vehicle to a greater degree than the lithium battery did.
