  • 期刊


Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Oil Industry




The development and growth of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) has accelerated at an unprecedented rate over the past three years. Major international oil companies have been actively preparing for this change and have incorporated AI into a variety of corporate applications. Not only have ExxonMobil and British Petroleum (BP) been adopting AI technology in oil and gas exploration, Total has also signed an agreement with Google to jointly develop AI. In 2018, Shell and Microsoft further expanded their strategic collaboration with the goal of integrating the use of AI on a larger scale, heating up competition on AI in the oil and gas industry. As a result, the disparity between individual oil companies' approach to AI has attracted the attention of oil companies in various countries. Even though the oil industry, involving exploration and production, transportation and storage, refining, and marketing, is extremely complex in operation, AI can be applied to almost every aspect of the industry. The application of big data in Taiwan's oil and gas industry is still in its infancy, and current domestic research is neither in depth nor systematic enough. This paper first expounds the concept of big data and artificial intelligence technology, and then explains the application scope of international oil companies in the upstream and downstream, and takes the example of big oil company as a domestic reference, which can promote the upgrading of oil industry development technology.


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