  • 期刊


The Resource of Canadian Oil Sand and Its Development


每次在油價低時會被忽視但高漲時卻總是不會缺席的加拿大,其石油儲量居全球第3位,為第五大原油生產國和第三大原油出口國。但其97%以上的原油資源卻以油砂形態存在,它主要分佈在加拿大西部沉積盆地(WCSB)。而其中僅6%儲集在表層、其餘分布在深層。加拿大的油砂的特性為密度高、黏度大、硫氮含量高,同時金屬含量也高,因此在開採和加工上都需要應用特殊技術來解決。露天的開採僅適用於淺層礦床,深層礦床則需用原地開採方法,常用的開採方式為蒸汽輔助重力排油(SAGD)及循環蒸汽(CSS)。採收後的油若要在管道中輸送必須加熱和/或添加稀釋劑方能讓其流動,2018年在油價高漲下原油產量雖不斷增加但受限於管道運輸量,只能借助於鐵路運輸。鐵路運輸的缺點是價格高昂且運量僅每天40萬桶。因此造成加西精選油價遠低於西德州原油。油砂的開採也面臨著環保問題如聯邦政府將實施碳排放稅。另外C-69環評法案也讓能源投資計畫的評估複雜化。盡管存在了上述的問題,但新一代的採收技術成本已低於15美元/桶。若能及早在油價回升及西行跨山管路及東行Enbridge Line 3管線完工前進入此礦區卡位,應有利可圖。


Canada has never been absent every time when oil prices rose, as it holds the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world. It acts as the fifth crude oil producer and the third largest exporter of crude oil. However, more than 97% of its crude oil resources are oil sands, mainly distributed in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Only 6% of them sprays on the surface and most of it buries in deeper subsurface. The extraction and processing of Canada's tar sand need special techniques to solve the problems caused by the characteristics of high density, high viscosity, high sulfur and nitrogen content, and also high metal contents. Thereby, not only oil sands extraction has to be performed through two particular approaches: open-pit mining and horizontal drilling called in situ, but also it is transported in the pipeline by heating and/or adding diluent to allow the asphalt to flow. Both of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) are common used for in situ oil recovery. Some of these oil have to be transported by expensive railway as pipeline transport capacity is limited caused by oil production dramatically increase under high oil prices last year. Despite the above problems, the cost using a new generation of extraction technology has already fallen down to around $15 /barrel. It could be the time to invest in tar sand before the recovery of oil prices and the completion of the westward trans-mountain pipeline and the eastbound Enbridge Line 3 pipeline.
