  • 期刊


The Study of Toponym Placement Modeling for Point Features on Digital Maps




Toponym Placement is one element of maps. It can be associated with the various geo-spatial features linked to attributes. In accordance with the different elements associated with surface features, Toponym can be divided into three kinds of forms which are points, lines and polygons. Among them point features distribute most intensively on topographic maps their load capacity and capping miss are the most significant problems. As point features are also important spatial information, through computer modeling the processes of manual operations can be simulated to calculate their positions in line with requirements of placement regulations. Reasonable distributions of point features and their toponym placement will directly affect presentations of the information and play important roles in map uses. Firstly, by literature review the author analyzes and compares methodology of toponym placement in point features researches, then summarizes the rules for this study. Secondly, according to the placement rules or principles, the factors of establishment standards are set up in the condition of Daxi Township in Taoyuan County as the study area. Based on the methodology of Greedy Search and its characteristics, the author carries on placement models in Geographic Information System software and builds user interfaces for function modules. Moreover, the better solutions for positioning point features are discussed on different scales. It is expected that those efforts can provide experts in the digital mapping some references in order to promote the quality and effectiveness of map making.


