  • 期刊


Trend Analysis of the long-term Care Needs of Elderly Different Ethnic Groups in Taiwan




長期照護 老人 族群 健康差距 貫時研究


Objectives: From the perspectives of double jeopardy, aging as leveler, and persistent health inequality, this study examined the trends in long-term care needs of native Taiwanese and Mainlanders in Taiwan. Methods: Data used in this study were collected by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health in 1989, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2003. A linear mixed model was applied for trend analysis. Results: Without controlling for independent variables, the long-term care needs of the native Taiwanese elderly were greater than those of elderly Mainlanders. After controlling for the socioeconomic and health status of the respondents, and considering the implementation of health insurance over the period of 1984 to 2003, the disparity became greater over time. The native Taiwanese elderly seemed to be more vulnerable to disability than their counterparts, the Mainlanders. Furthermore, the disparity in long-term care needs between the elderly Taiwanese and the elderly Mainlanders will continue to grow as the lifespan of the elderly steadily increases. Conclusions: This study supports the ”double jeopardy” hypothesis. The results also suggest that public policymakers must understand that the elderly in different ethnic groups face various barriers to receiving health care and long-term care in our society.


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